BIG DADA (SEE THE WORLD) - timetable down -
The Soul Singer goes missing in a Digital Tsunami. We have a fake news generator. She enters the afterlife and ends up in a new Triadic world occupied by indigenous flying squirrels, where Kerberos is dead and singularity sings in Finnish.

Free entry: A HAPPENING with two performance sets (on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings) + exhibition on Thursday daytime.
tue 18.6 18-22 wed 19.6 18-22 thu 20.6 12-18
Anastasia Alekseevna - analogue projections & stage design Anna Häkkinen - dance & choreography Lola Lustosa - dance & choreography Sarana - live sound Pilvari Pirtola - live sound Samuli Häkkinen - software art, libretto Tuomas Jaanu - software art, sound Lauri Isola - props Ulla Nurminen - costumes Jarkko Räsänen - live sound, videos Robert Faber - text Tuomo Laakso - live sound Asbestos Art Space Mäkelänkatu 45
The happening has been kindly supported by SKR Uudenmaan rahasto
TUE 18.6 18.00 doors open, video installation by Jarkko Räsänen 18.30 introduction 18.40-20.40 Sarana live sound, Anna Häkkinen dance, Jarkko Räsänen videos 21.00 Pilvari Pirtola live sound, Anastasia Alekseevna projection 21.30 outro performance by Jarkko Räsänen, Anastasia Alekseevna projection
WED 19.6
18.00 live sound at the door by Tuomo Laakso 18.30-19.20 Lola Lustosa dance & sound, Anastasia Alekseevna analogue projections, Jarkko Räsänen live sound *** SEATS maybe LIMITED *** 19.45 Lola Lustosa prismatic lights, dance, sound by Tuomas Jaanu 20.10 Flying Squirrels & Lola Lustosa 20.30-22 Waltz party, sound by Tuomas Jaanu & Jarkko Räsänen
THU 20.6
12-18 Silkscreens by Anastasia Alekseevna, AI Recitating in Finnish by Samuli Häkkinen / Documentation gathering, Flying Squirrels