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Cecilia Nelson: Passing through 18.-25.1.2019

Welcome to the art exhibition


Cecilia Nelson

Asbestos Art Space

January 18-25, 2019

Opening Reception: Fri Jan 18, 4-6 pm

Wed-Fri 4-6 pm, Sat-Sun 12-3 pm

Artist statement: Various forms of folk art have profoundly influenced my work. I am interested in the carnivalesque questioning of the lines between human and animal, the beautiful and the ugly, power and powerlessness. Recycled materials, such as old newspapers and plastic bags, are often present in my sculptures and mixed media pieces. Beside my 3D works, photography is a central part of my investigation into different layers of reality. In my photo art I particularly look at the nocturnal, dreamlike aspect, creating a flatness that resembles signs.

Bio: I have studied art, journalism and philosophy at University of Gothenburg, and during 2015 – 2017 I studied sculpture at National Academy School of Fine Arts in New York. My work has been exhibited in solo shows and juried group exhibitions in New York, as well as in Sweden, Finland and Poland. Scholarships have enabled me to implement research trips to India, Indonesia, North America, Central Europe, West Africa and Sápmi, focusing on the transformational aspect of local art traditions in a postcolonial context.

Alongside my artistic work, I am a writer and a literary critic at Göteborgs-Posten. I live in Stockholm.



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